The files are just a way to get the model definition into the program. It doesn't simulate a circuit that connects nets to files. The simulation simulates circuits having resistors and capacitors and transistors.

That is how you get the model definition into LTspice. The filename is "BDW94C.lib", but who cares? That's just logistics. That is the name that must appear next to the transistor symbol. So, "BDW94C" is the name of the Darlington transistor model. So it is defining a model named "BDW94C".

Trying to extrapolate based on an incorrect schematic and the things you said you changed on it (without uploading a corrected copy) is a mistake. include statement, then upload THAT file. There is too much confusion going on because of the fact that you have mixed-up schematics that differ. That might have been true of a schematic that you have on your computer, but not the schematic file that you uploaded to this group. It still gives the same error i mentionedĪlan wrote that his error message reads, "The instance has more connection terminals than the definition." I have now uploaded an updated version of the schematic with all the When your mother told you to get the sugar from the pantry i bet you So it is defining a model named "BDW94C".OK, i should have said the definition is contained in. Your model definition file "BDW94C.lib" says: That is not what it says in the model definition file. Re: "To me the definition is BDW94C.LIB file. Show us the schematic that gave you that error. You are the only one who has seen that error, and you see it only with a schematic that you didn't upload. re: " But I can't see how the instance has more connection terminals than the definition." That's because it doesn't. It cares what is the name of the model, which happens to be defined inside the file. Once the file is loaded into LTspice, LTspice doesn't care anymore what was the name of the file. I am not sure where you thought you were going with those unused lower-level schematics. The symbols you created are the wrong type for calling lower-level schematics. Your switch symbols have schematic files too, but LTspice won't use those. You also forgot a SPICE simulation command, such as ".TRAN. MODEL definition statement for each of these model types. Please read the LTspice Help page for voltage-controlled switches. But you have not included their model definitions on your schematic.

Other problems: Your schematic has several voltage-controlled switches, with model names like SW, SW4, SW5, and SW6. Edit the text under your Q2 symbol and change the name to "bdw94c". The model's name is "BDW94C" but the Darlington transistor symbol wants to call a model named "bdw94c.lib" which doesn't exist. If I open the Darlington model file, I see that it defines a subcircuit with the name "BDW94C", having three pins. All the transistors that come with LTspice are named that way, as a simple character string without any periods. Some people might name their transistors something like "2N3904.lib", but that's unusual. If you ask me, that looks like it wants to be the name of a file.

Your schematic has Q2, and the name of the transistor model that it refers to is "BDW94C.LIB". lib filename? Or did you correct that but then upload the wrong file anyway? The error message I see is about "Unknown subcircuit called in. Was that before people discovered the wrong. `Alan, I saw that you deleted your first uploaded file and then uploaded a corrected version.